Home > Skin care Tips > What makes our BEROF Whitening Gel different from the other brands? We use Liposome !
What makes our BEROF Whitening Gel different from the other brands? We use Liposome !
Posted by Berof On Thu 22 Feb, 2018


Anyone who uses #BEROFWhiteningGel will see an important active ingredient on the box.
Many of our customers wonder what it is.
Well, Dr Awais explains like this.
Not only the quality or numbers of excellent Ingredients are important for making the good skincare.
But it should be able to absorb into the skin barrier. 
If it can't absorb, it can't be useful.
In case, we want the ingredients to seep into the innermost skin layers.
We need innovative technology to help keeping an important substance locking inside "Nano-Capsules"(Liposome).
* Assuming that Cosmetics/Skincare, we have a goal to brighten the skin (so we need its affect directly to melanocytes)* 
When we apply the Cosmetics/Skincare containing "Nano-Capsules/Liposome" on our skin.
The Nano-Capsules/Liposome will take our active ingredients pass through the outer skin layer. (Stratum Corneum)
And go down to a deep skin layer, where the Melanocytes are lining 😘 which is our goal.
By Nano-Capsules/Liposome will be taken through the gap between the cells (Intercellular route).
The Gap between the cells has an average distance only 50-100 Nano Meters.
Nano-Capsules/Liposome will slowly seep through each floor to the deepest floor. (Stratum Basale)
Once the capsules arrive to the inner most layer, they will release the substance inside.
To the target cells, that's Melanocyte.
To suppress the process of a pigment production that darkens the skin.
And Prevent Black spots from inside.


BEROF Skincare is Thailand No.1 Premium Skincare brand, which suitable for #Sensitive and #AcneSkin.

BEROF Skincare helps to solve your all skin problems
🔸Cures your active #Acne #Pimples.
🔸Fades away the #AcneScars and brown/dark spots and pigmentation.
🔸Lighten your face, Fades away #Melasma #Freckles or #Complexion of the skin.
🔸Reduce your large skin #Pores.
🔸Make your Skin Stronger and Healthier.

Our Products are Dermatologically Recommended, FDA approval and Award winning Guarantee. 🏆🏆


Reviews from actual users:: http://bit.ly/2Bxcq9c



Prices and product information :: http://bit.ly/2neGJgJ



Consult any skin problem with Dr. Awais (dermatologist) through Facebook or Whatsaap.

FB inbox :: http://m.me/BerofSkincare
Tel / WhatsApp :: 0331-4423295

Shop fast by yourself :: www.Berof.com


#DarkSpots #BerofSkincare #DermatologistRecommended

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